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Classification of printing glue

Printing knowledge
2019/11/05 10:37
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There are four main types of printing pastes-white paste, transparent paste, color printing paste, and bright paste. Glue printing is usually printed on a variety of dyed cloths. The fabric fiber, weaving method, post-printing treatment, coating materials, etc. are different, so you should choose different glues.
The quality of the glue is evaluated in the following order of performance: (1) fastness, (2) elasticity, (3) film surface adhesion, (4) brightness, (5) hiding power, (6) hand feeling.
1. White glue: from inelasticity to high elasticity, good hiding power, only suitable for printing white or adding paint to adjust the light color paste. Usually use it directly or add water appropriately to improve the test printing.
2. Transparent paste: transparent, no hiding power, can be directly printed by adding paint to any color. It can also be mixed into white glue to make color printing paste or increase the fastness, elasticity and brightness of white glue.
3. Color printing paste: poor hiding power, good fastness, can be mixed with paint to make different colors of glue, light or medium color can be used directly, if dark color, 30-50% transparent paste must be added. To reduce the amount of paint and improve fastness.
4. Bright paste: transparent, no hiding power, high gloss. Add paint to color and print directly, it can be mixed into the white glue to improve the brightness, and it can also be used to cover the printed surface.