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The industry-university-research cooperation project between Changlian Technology and Soochow University won the second prize of Jiangsu Province Light Industry Science and Technology Award for Technology Invention

Corporate News
2012/08/28 11:51
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Introduction to the Art College of Soochow University:
The Art College of Soochow University was founded in 1960. Its predecessor was the Department of Arts and Crafts, Suzhou Silk Technology Institute, which was founded in 1960. It has a history of more than 50 years. After several generations of unremitting efforts and struggles, it has developed into a strong teaching force. , Comprehensive art colleges and departments with relatively complete professional directions. At present, the College of Art consists of 6 departments: Department of Art, Department of Dyeing and Weaving Art, Department of Fashion Art, Department of Environmental Art, Department of Visual Communication, Department of Fine Arts; 2 schools including Art Research Institute and Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Center Grade research institution.
Changlian Technology actively carries out industry-university-research activities with colleges and universities to strengthen technical research and development support. In 2012, Changlian Technology and Soochow University School of Art established a cooperative relationship of production, education and research.
Industry-University-Research Results:
1. Invention patent: "Disperse dye-free steaming and washing printing process"
2. Thesis: "Energy-saving and Emission Reduction of Disperse Dyes-free Printing"
3. Awarded: "No-steaming and washing environmentally friendly printing paste and polyester fabric screen printing technology without sewage", the second prize of Jiangsu Province Light Industry Science and Technology Invention in 2015